Thursday, November 25, 2010

Duncan Jones

The son of David Bowie turns out to be an amazing film maker. Having seen Moon when it came out in 2009, starring the very Talented Sam Rockwell, and being no less than blown away. The person we're talking about is ofcourse Duncan Jones. For those unfamiliar, or a bit confused by why his name doesn't end in "Bowie" it is from his grandmother, and more than likely adopted in order for him to be able to try his own hand at success without being judged on his father's credit. This is so respectful, and my choice for this week's PWEU.

For those who have seen Moon, or are curious as to what else hes done with himself, his latest project is an intense looking sci-fi, drama by the name of Source Code.

                            I'm on the edge of my seat just looking at the poster!

Source code stars Jake Gyllenhaal, Michelle Monaghan, and Vera Farmiga, a really strong cast for Duncan Jonse's second feature film. For those who are yet to see the trailer, or want to just watch it again, it can be found right here!

Thanks Duncan Jones for entertaining us this week.

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